Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge - Late July/Early August

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Has anyone been to Alligator River in late July or early August? I'm planning on taking a day out of our beach trip to try and get some wildlife pictures. Any tips on time of day and locations would be greatly appreciated. Black bears and red wolves are the main things I'll be looking to photograph.
Go very early. It gets really hot during the day, and everything goes and finds a cool shady place to hide once it gets too hot. I assume you are staying in the outer banks. I suggest you aim to be there for sunrise. Of course if it happens to be a cooler overcast day, bears might stay active longer.
I agree it's hot, but not much hotter than it's been here in MD the last month. I was planning on going early since everyone else will be sleeping until 8 or 9am. With the kids we never get out to the beach before 1130 or 12. Do you think sunrise until around 10am is enough time, or is it better to plan on taking the day in that area and catching things moving about in the evening as well? My daughter is the only one who may come with me; I doubt anyone else will be interested, and I'm certainly not interested in being rushed because someone is bored.