Altered Skies

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In general, I expect to minimize the amount of sky replacement I do. I tend to clearly remember the scenes on the days they were shot and seeing a different sky than I remember throws me off a bit. Having said that, there are time, especially here in the arid Middle East, where a few clouds can go a long way and they help minimize the ever present dust haze.

Here is a shot from Petra in Jordan showing the old Roman City and the Nabatean ruins carved into the rocks. The original sky was a hazy blue and it was hot. In this case the lightly clouded substitute from PS does not alter the main subjects and does provide a prettier backdrop. Also made a few other minor adjustments including removing the people.

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I think we can all agree to disagree on what's right or wrong about PP. In my books, there is a time and place for everything. Some things can be tampered with and others should be left alone. In this case, the changes really bring out the image. Good work.
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I think it’s great! You use the tools that are provided to improve the shot. That minor adjustment definitely adds to the photo.
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Joe, one rule, your image, your choose how to render it. Love the clouds. There are cloud brushes that I just found out about last week
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What I like about the sky replacement is that there's just enough cloud so that it looks quite natural.
Thank you. The important part of the photo is the light and shadow an the rocks so the clouds had to be light and few or the look would not be real! These cluds worked.
Ok, so that’s an interesting thought. I’m dead set against sky replacement. You can do what you like to your photos, but there are limits. Then I totally approved of your genocidal removal of the local populace. Couldn’t agree more. I think I need to revisit my prejudice as I like what you’ve done, so I think I may now adjust to subtle and discreet is ok rather than rabid extremism. Thanks for the lesson.
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Ok, so that’s an interesting thought. I’m dead set against sky replacement. You can do what you like to your photos, but there are limits. Then I totally approved of your genocidal removal of the local populace. Couldn’t agree more. I think I need to revisit my prejudice as I like what you’ve done, so I think I may now adjust to subtle and discreet is ok rather than rabid extremism. Thanks for the lesson.
I wanted the sky to not be a distraction as opposed to making some dramatic statement. The shot is about getting you to look at Petra and the ruins rather than speeding past because the sky sucks. Interestingly though, I am drawn to the original for personal reasons. It was hot, hot and excessively sunnt, there was no breeze. My wife and I were riding a donkey and horse respectively, u the valley side to the King's Tombs area. We stopped along the way to get photos and see a vcouple of other sites, including a 5th Century Byzantine church, etc. So the original takes me back to the moment, but that shot only works for me and my backstory. To share the beauty of the whole thing the sky replacements and people extermination helped achieve that end. So now, others like this shot and I can still like my version with the memories.
Nice as it is, a third of the “photo“ is no longer yours!
You are correct. And yet, without the new sky few would even look twice at the shot.
Question - would it sttill be my shot if I substituted a sky from another one of my own photos?