Am I being too hasty in selling it?

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On a previous thread of mine I mentioned that I'd got a Nikon 18-35mm lens which I hadn't used for a few years since a holiday spent in Norway and the general consensus was if I recall correctly that I might as well sell it as it appeared to be surplus to requirements as they say. This I planned to do this week as I'd got no thoughts about using it with my Z7ii. I listed it on E-bay but I'm now wondering if I've been too hasty in listing it as today I've booked another holiday to the same Norwegian fjords where I successfully used the lens previously on my D800. The question is this: would it be better to hang onto the lens and use it with the FTZii adaptor on my Z7ii OR sell it and simply stick with my 24-120 lens OR sell the lens and the FTZii adaptor and use the money from the sale to get another lens better suited to my Z7ii??? Thoughts as ever from you wonderful people would, as always, be much appreciated. Thank you. P.S I get the impression that a lot of you are in the U.S of A. If you're one of those poor souls in Florida who have been affected by the hurricane I just want to say that I hope that you're all ok and managing to cope. All of us this side of the pond wish you well.
Question for you, just straight up test shot to test shot, with them both at 24-30 mm at the same f number, is one much better than the other?
If it was me, I would use 24-120. I got the Z 14-30 about a year ago to supplement my Z 24-70, but recently sold it as I wasn't really using it. For me, changing lenses is a pain and I would rather just use a good all around lens like your 24-120.