American Red Squirrel-Canon 6D Mark ll, Canon 500mm f4 w/1.4ext, 700mm, 1/640sec, ISO2000

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You were correct. Here is an updated photo. I took care of the log and played with exposure using curves. First attempt with a darker BG I didn't like. I then lightened the BG and I think I got a much better photo. I can see a litlle of the color cast you are talking about, but on my monitor and the print I see none.
34d 11x8.5.jpg
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34d 11x8.5.jpg
34d 11x8.5.jpg
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Like the exposure changes, agree. But I'm a big fan of not all shots have to be animal portraits absolutely. I've got no problem with the original's amount of log -- some great texture and lines there (maybe a darkening of that would pop the wee squirrel a bit further, as well). Nice capture. These guys are thick where I live and I enjoy their scoldings as I walk by :)
Like the exposure changes, agree. But I'm a big fan of not all shots have to be animal portraits absolutely. I've got no problem with the original's amount of log -- some great texture and lines there (maybe a darkening of that would pop the wee squirrel a bit further, as well). Nice capture. These guys are thick where I live and I enjoy their scoldings as I walk by :)
I agree about the squirrel. On my screen it is darker. Not a lot, but enough to make a small difference.