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They are interesting animals. The ones at Point Reyes hunt waterfowl as a pack and encircle a duck on the water and pull it down by its feet to drown the bird.
I guess that's why the mallards put up a fuss and flew to the other end of the pond when this otter and his pal showed up.
They are interesting animals. The ones at Point Reyes hunt waterfowl as a pack and encircle a duck on the water and pull it down by its feet to drown the bird.
Have you have seen that? I have only seen Point Reyes otters once or twice and never while hunting.
Very nice. When I do see river otters it is usually a case of not seeing their faces well or me being too slow to capture photograph them before they dive. Well done.
Thanks! I was down low and not moving very much so they probably didn't notice me being there. They never seemed to alert, they just casually swam off.