American White Pelican in flight.

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Well-known member
Photographed September 13 near Vancouver, British Columbia. I've included a post-processed image and the original. The bird pretty much filled the frame, which was my first problem as there was very little room on the right and bottom sides. I tried cloning those edges of the image to provide a bit more breathing room and made some adjustments to tone, contrast and noise. Any constructive criticism welcome.

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I think you've done about all you could do without going too far with it. It looks pretty good. Granted, it's not one of those pictures that 'wows' you when you first look at it but it's pretty good for a bif shot, but as you mentioned, it's too tight in the frame. (can't always be helped if they're too close) There's plenty of sharp detail which tells me you panned well. Overall, I would give it a 7.