An interesting day.

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Supporting Member
On Saturday 11 March we took the RV out for a shakedown drive before our first long trip of the year to Kearney, NE. We visited the Horicon NWR about 90 minutes from home. The weather was cold, the sky was grey. In other words, Springtime in Wisconsin.

We drove along the Eastern edge of the marsh on the side roads looking for birds in the fields and we found them in plenty. Mostly they were across the muddy fields on private property so getting slode was an issue. So, while I had three rigs along including Z6/100-400S and D850/500PF, all the shots came from the Z9/800PF combo.

We saw Sandhill Cranes, Tundra Swans, Trumpeter swans, Canada Geese, Greater White-fronted geese, Turkeys, Mallards, Northern Pintails, Redheads and even a tree full of Redwing Blackbirds. There were other species out there, but these are the one I could readily identify. Shots cropped for framing and because they were often quite distant. It was a great day out and fun shooting even if the shots are just ok. Though I like the jumping cranes the best of the bunch.

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