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A colorful Anhinga during breeding season.
Happy trails.

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I recall being startled by an Anhinga at Green Cay Nature Center in Florida. It had perched about six inches from the boardwalk at shoulder level and was hidden in shrubbery. As I walked by it raised its head and shrieked so loudly that it hurt my ears. I tried to get a photo but I had with me only a telephoto lens and I was way too close. Seeing the photo above brought that memory to mind immediately. 🤣 Very well done, @paul katinas!
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I recall being startled by an Anhinga at Green Cay Nature Center in Florida. It had perched about six inches from the boardwalk at shoulder level and was hidden in shrubbery. As I walked by it raised its head the shrieked so loudly that it hurt my ears. I tried to get a photo but I had with me only a telephoto lens and I was way too close. Seeing the photo above brought that memory to mind immediately. 🤣 Very well done, @paul katinas!
Thanks JA. They sure are fascinating to observe especially when hunting underwater.
Happy trails.