Anna's Hummers - Male and Female, Female Drinking from Bubble Waterflow

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Beautiful, Connie. And a background to die for!
Please tell us more about the water bubbles?
Hi Rassie, and your images, too, were lovely. The background is a result of the lens, a f/5.6 and the distance from the camera to the subject and the subject to the background so I can't take credit for it, it just seems to be the combination of perfect distances to blend the background out. The water is coming from a very small solar water pump with several filters to put over it that control the water output. The current one, the bubble one, seems to be the one they like, they ignored the other settings.
Hi Rassie, and your images, too, were lovely. The background is a result of the lens, a f/5.6 and the distance from the camera to the subject and the subject to the background so I can't take credit for it, it just seems to be the combination of perfect distances to blend the background out. The water is coming from a very small solar water pump with several filters to put over it that control the water output. The current one, the bubble one, seems to be the one they like, they ignored the other settings.
What solar water pump are you using? I have been looking for one.
What solar water pump are you using? I have been looking for one.

I got this at Lowe's but it was the same thing I saw online, $20. Just a solar disk that goes in the water bath. If a cloud goes over it put in the sunniest spot near the feeder. First I tried the flat filters, more of a sprinkler effect, but the hummers did not go near it. Then I put in a tube filter and that was the bubble one and they started using it.

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