Another Kruger sunrise #1

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Tamboti camp is in the western side of the park, 2 km from the gate so when you stay here, you drive into the sun each morning to get to where you hope to find the denizens that will thrill you for the day.
D850; 80-400 @ 80 mm; f/4.5; 1/400; ISO 160

00714 27,52X18,34W D850 1571.jpg
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Great Sky Callie, getting to really sway towards landscapes especially when I see images like this. The skies are so big in Africa, just got to love them..
Agree John, we are looking more and more at landscape "opportunities" when we travel, it just adds to the beauty we find in nature
This is making my bank manager quake as it's tipping me over the D850 edge. I also learn some landscape techniques. Thisnforum does show the skill min the members and also provides great ideas for composition etc.
This is making my bank manager quake as it's tipping me over the D850 edge. I also learn some landscape techniques. Thisnforum does show the skill min the members and also provides great ideas for composition etc.
Check them out, they are into Landscape and have the app too!
Just bought it @50% real bargain.