Anteater (Tamandua tetradactyla)

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Supporting Member
Spotted this little fella (known locally as oso horminguero, or ’ant bear’) scampering across a recently burned savanna landscape a couple of weeks ago in the Beni (Bolivia) while returning from some fishing at Lago Rogaguado. Amazing animal, and the first time I’d seen one in the wild, though I’ve traveled and lived in Bolivia over many years. Shortly after this encounter, a giant anteater sprinted across the road just ahead of us, though I quickly lost him in the brush. Hope to go back in the near future to spend more time exploring this area which is abundant with everything including gators, birds, insects, monkeys and more.

EDIT: He/she stands about 20” tall. While this is considered a defensive posture, I was about 6 meters away and he/she wasn’t trying to run from me while on all fours.

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