Any advice for short trip to Grand Teton NP?

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My wife and I will get there around September 22 in the afternoon on a Sunday and staying overnight. We have a reservation in Yellowstone starting the next day so we have an evening and morning to visit the park.

Since our time there will be very limited, is there any advice on must see places within easy reach time-wise? Or places to pull off on the drive to Yellowstone?

My plan right now is to bring my Z8, 24-120, and 100-400 only since it’s not a photography primary trip. I have the 500pf and tc but am not sure if that would be worth it or maybe get a 1.4 tc for the 100-400? Or should I take the 24-120 and 500 for the whole trip?

It would be a good trip for the 180-600 but I don’t have one and since I have the 100-400 I probably won’t get one. I have circular polarizer and neutral density filter already.

If you're after wildlife then I second the advice above plus perhaps a drive around Antelope Flats road as Moose are common there that time of year.

But if landscapes are of interest to you a sunrise session at the Oxbow Bend or Schwabacher's Landing can be fantastic in autumn and you may still encounter wildlife around there. Many other places as well but those are a couple of very beautiful scenic locations.

A lunch up in Jackson Lake Lodge just for the view out towards Mt. Moran across Willow Flats can be very worthwhile and can also yield some great photos especially if the autumn aspens or cottonwoods are in color.
Thanks guys! I am more wildlife centered but if there is a great landscape that isn’t too hard to get to I’m always game for that. I’ll definitely be looking up these places and squeeze in as many as I can.
The hike that is most popular is hidden lake/inspiration point, then if time into cascade canyon. There is a ferry if it is still running that time of year from Jenny Lake Visitor center to the trailhead, or you can walk around the lake. The trail up is steep but only like a half mile one way stop at hidden falls then up to inspiration point, a panorama of the valley below. If you keep going cascade canyon can be longer. After inspiration point into cascade canyon there can be moose and bear.