Anyone Use the profile adjustment that does give simulated zebras for bird photography?

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Just setup the profile adjustment that gives simulated zebras and going out tomorrow in what looks like some bright sunny spells in the UK weather.
Anyone that has this profile can give some quick basic tips on using with bird photography compared maybe to using EC?
Many Thanks.
See the thread linked below. It requires using a custom picture control in which Tone 0 is set to white and Tone 255 is set to black. Since the picture controls modify the jpeg in the EVF, it’s not possible to make the tones blink.

There are two options which have been available, I believe. One is from Thom Hogan (see post #22 in the thread) and one from @Horshack (see post #33 in the thread).

I use this all the time for nature, wildlife, and theatre since I shoot in RAW. The only time I don't use it is when I do pre-capture which is only occasionally for sports. Most of the time it doesn't matter but when shooting ice hockey, I occasionally let small portions of the ice get completely blown out (or specular highlights off of helmets at football games) and that ends up as black in the JPEG... not fun to clean up if you forget to switch picture controls :cool:
See the thread linked below. It requires using a custom picture control in which Tone 0 is set to white and Tone 255 is set to black. Since the picture controls modify the jpeg in the EVF, it’s not possible to make the tones blink.

There are two options which have been available, I believe. One is from Thom Hogan (see post #22 in the thread) and one from @Horshack (see post #33 in the thread).

Thank you, I did read this before and that pointed me towards downloading and adding to my Z8.
Hi, sorry people but another question.
I tried this out today but in the shoot first ask questions later senario I didn't make a mark (usually I take one image with hand over lens to remind me that I changed something or something of note occured) In Lightroom is there a way to see what profile was used?
Thank You,
Hi, sorry people but another question.
I tried this out today but in the shoot first ask questions later senario I didn't make a mark (usually I take one image with hand over lens to remind me that I changed something or something of note occured) In Lightroom is there a way to see what profile was used?
Thank You,
You can see the picture control used for each photo by opening it in NX Studio. Picture controls are shown in the Info panel.

NX Studio picture control.jpg
You can only see EXIF info for this image if you are logged in.
Been using picture control by @Horshack , thanks to his brilliant work. It works exceedingly well. It helps me a lot in field, took away guess work of Exposure compensation adjustment esp for small patches of blacks or whites. It takes a bit getting used to it esp in initial stages.
Hi, please can you direct me to thread for this, typed in his user name with three different profile options but came up blank. Thank You.
Hi, please can you direct me to thread for this, typed in his user name with three different profile options but came up blank. Thank You.

See the link the post below.
Further to this there is a GitHub repository that has a number of Picture Control files for Nikon cameras.
This link from Horshack will take you to the newer approach along with a description of how these Picture Controls work.
If that uses the Picture Control Utility 2, the little problem is that Nikon removed it from their website.

I tried to contact the support, but as always in my experience with them, they weren't very helpful. They just said it had been removed from the website, no idea why or whether they plan to put it back. I find that strange, since they still mention it at some places on their website, and the functionality is in the camera, so I was expecting to be able to use that tool.

I think it's possible to download some version from other website, but I'm not sure how much I'd trust them with an executable.
If that uses the Picture Control Utility 2, the little problem is that Nikon removed it from their website.
This morning I downloaded a copy of Picture Control Utility 2 version 2.4.15 from the Majorgeeks web site (Windows and MAC) and it has the same 256 hash (a checker that files are the same - check the 256 hash or a larger hash) as a copy I downloaded from the Nikon web site has.
Your risk but I have used "Majorgeeks" for a long time now with no problems.
This morning I downloaded a copy of Picture Control Utility 2 version 2.4.15 from the Majorgeeks web site (Windows and MAC) and it has the same 256 hash (a checker that files are the same - check the 256 hash or a larger hash) as a copy I downloaded from the Nikon web site has.
Your risk but I have used "Majorgeeks" for a long time now with no problems.
That's great, thanks! I'll quickly grab that one. :)