April fools by Thom

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Apparently I am not the only one to hope that such voice recognition commands will become a reality (preferably in my lifetime).
I don't see why not. Siri and Alexa are doing an okay job though granted Nikon menu options are a bit more complicated than "what is the weather forecast for today". :p
I'm not so sure how well this would work out for me. My sister-in-law's name is Nikki...don't think my wife would like me saying "Hey Nikki" all the time... :ROFLMAO:
What a coincidence! My sister in law’s name is Nikki, too! Lol

Thom has a long history of interesting and fun April fools posts. But this would be cool to see the camera people do but I doubt it will be anytime soon.
It will be great to see some sort of standard operating systems for cameras just like android/ios phones where one can install custom apps that can offer better customization, AF packs and voice commands..how cool will it be..unfortunately camera markets isn’t as big as smartphone market to take advantage of ‘economies of scale’.
Apparently I am not the only one to hope that such voice recognition commands will become a reality (preferably in my lifetime).
I don't see why not. Siri and Alexa are doing an okay job though granted Nikon menu options are a bit more complicated than "what is the weather forecast for today". :p
I absolutely do not want this. There is no telling what my camera would do when I start talking to myself when frustrated! :LOL:
Are there no one on the planet with a name of Siri or Alexa?!
Years ago, we lived next door to a family with an young daughter named Siri (sp????) and that child was so manipulative. Because of my experience with her, I can never trust the Siri assistant on Apple products!