Are the tree roots holding the bank or vice versa?

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On a Jeep trail through Lavender Canyon in the Needles Section of Canyonlands National Park, we came across this tree obviously standing at the edge of the wash. Wondering which was holding the other, it also came to me, with annual rainfall of about 8 inches, how long before the bank is eroded away enough to fall? What an amazing world we live in!
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In our National Parks & forest lands we’re tending to allow nature to takes its course, unless it creates problems. Based on the number of people that travel this particular route, unlikely to get any maintenance. It is a truly beautiful area, I’ll try to post a couple more shots from that portion of the trip. We had a great time. Thanks again Callie.
Here are a few more shots from the Jeep trip in Lavender Canyon. The first one (I think) is called caterpillar arch, notice the “humps” at the top of the ridge, fairly unique strung together like that. A couple shots at the spot where we turned around to head back out, and the final of an alligator looking formation, at least that’s what it looks like to me. You can also see the other side of it in one of the other two shots. Quite the area, very few travel it, we saw one other vehicle on the trip in the canyon. It was only about 11 miles to the spot we turned around, but fun all the way. Thanks for looking, Bill
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