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Charlie Lasswell

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American Kestrels are lovely birds , is that the male with the rodent?
Nicely taken with both birds in focus.
I don’t get to see them very often as I live in Britain but ours are quite beautiful as well.
Great, love to see Wildlife images when they are doing something , adds interest . Photography club judges say things like " its just a bird on a stick". Which usually means they are not keen on wildlife Photography. We have to work harder and be more dedicated and determined to get high quality images than most other types of photography because all the odds are stacked against us . Availability of target, light , weather and time of day. The whole nine yards . Wildlife photographers are just a dedicated bunch!
American Kestrels are lovely birds , is that the male with the rodent?
Nicely taken with both birds in focus.
I don’t get to see them very often as I live in Britain but ours are quite beautiful as well.
Its the female with the rodent. Females have brown wings while the male has some blue. I saw the male on this tree which had a bit of a cavity (very open) and he seems to be very interested in it. She flew up and dredged the rodent over various parts of what I hoped was a nest site. It was, however, to no avail and I never saw them in that same place. On a side note, she was not the sharing type. Maybe that's why they didn't nest there. Maybe they broke up because she was too selfish. You never know . :)