Artist Point --- Yellowstone, Wyoming.

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059 Artist Point Yellowstone River.jpg
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Artist Point, overlooking the falls of the Yellowstone River, in Yellowstone Park Wyoming, close to the end of the day. D850 with 16-35mm @35mm. ISO 200, f11, 1/4 Sec.. Tripod 13/09/18.
Very nice Photo with that afternoon Sun hitting that East side of the Canyon. Artist Point is one of my favorite stops however it's always been a early morning session as the Sun first hits the Falls in the Summer generally around 9 AM. It can get crazy crowded at that time and I hear this year set some records for attendance at Yellowstone.
Nice capture David. I was there in June 2019. It really is a beautiful spot. It is also the spot where I realized how the park got its name! My photos of the falls were taken in the mid afternoon when the light was not great. Hopefully I will return in the near future and I will be able to plan better for a few days in the park.
Very nice Photo with that afternoon Sun hitting that East side of the Canyon. Artist Point is one of my favorite stops however it's always been a early morning session as the Sun first hits the Falls in the Summer generally around 9 AM. It can get crazy crowded at that time and I hear this year set some records for attendance at Yellowstone.
Thanks Snapshot ---we had been hoping for a super sunset, but it didn't happen and I am very satisfied with this shot as second best---fortunately there were only 3 of us there that evening !
Nice capture David. I was there in June 2019. It really is a beautiful spot. It is also the spot where I realized how the park got its name! My photos of the falls were taken in the mid afternoon when the light was not great. Hopefully I will return in the near future and I will be able to plan better for a few days in the park.
Thanks Kathy, that's the thing with landscapes---although they are stationary and don't move around like animals you still need to plan ahead and even then the light can be unpredictable !
Yellowstone Canyon looking down the canyon from the opposite direction.
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Yellowstone canyon looking at it from the opposite direction. Standing near Lower Falls looking down the canyon.
Yellowstone Canyon looking down the canyon from the opposite direction.
View attachment 7461
Yellowstone canyon looking at it from the opposite direction. Standing near Lower Falls looking down the canyon.
Hi Ralph, I think when I was there that side was starting to go into the shadows, but I did take a shot of the river below--straight down ! Here it is .

060 Yellowstone River Canyon.jpg
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