Atlantic puffin portrait

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I got the opportunity/privilege to spend (almost) a full day on an island in the presence of thousands of seabirds (a good chunk of them being puffins). Just myself, a handful of likeminded wildlife photographers and the birds. Quite the experience that I won't soon forget.

While I still have an absolute ton of shots to go through, this one stayed on my mind and hence I processed it first. This specific puffin had its burrow along some dense vegetation and every now and then came quite close to check me out (they're very curious birds), allowing me this dreamy looking portrait shot.

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I got the opportunity/privilege to spend (almost) a full day on an island in the presence of thousands of seabirds (a good chunk of them being puffins). Just myself, a handful of likeminded wildlife photographers and the birds. Quite the experience that I won't soon forget.

While I still have an absolute ton of shot to go throught, this one stayed on my mind and hence I processed it first. This specific puffin had its burrow along some dense vegetation and every now and then came quite close to check me out (they're very curious birds), allowing me this dreamy looking portrait shot.

View attachment 92528
Awesome Jochen. 👍👍👍 What was the location of the island.
Awesome Jochen. 👍👍👍 What was the location of the island.
Thanks Ralph. This was on Isle of Lunga (off the west coast of Scotland), a location very well known for its puffins (and other birds).

Lovely shot. I am gong to Skomer (off the coast of Wales) next week for 3 nights and hoping I can produce something half as good.
Thank you. That sounds great; I've heard good things about Skomer (never been myself). Hope you get some awesome shots.