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Thanks, Mike! A friend of mine called me at 6:00 AM to alert me of them.Absolutely beautiful, Alan! I just heard mid-morning today they were out last night, bummed I missed them!
Thanks, Mike! A friend of mine called me at 6:00 AM to alert me of them.
Thank you! I'm in North Central Minnesota about 150 miles south of the Canadian border.Very nice. A little too much cloud cover here.
Where are you located?
Thanks!Like it! Super
Those are great!Northern Lights last night from Northern Montana.View attachment 26928
A panorama about a half hour later - Big Dipper on the left
View attachment 26929
Thanks Alan. I love the colors in your photo.Those are great!
Beautiful! The colors are spectacular
Thank you!Beautiful! The colors are spectacular
Great image. We are too far south and too much light pollution around chicago
Move North, my friends, move North.Beautiful shots! Everyone. Jealous we have only seen once in my life and Im 65! down at our latitude Sacramento.
Thank you, Andrew. Hope there are Northern Lights when you visit Sax-Zim. (I'm about 100 miles west of there.)Superior shots Alan!
I have a trip planned to Sax-Sim Dec. 6-8 so with some luck we will see some there.