Australian Pelican's

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Well-known member
Took these late this afternoon from a distance, they were getting ready to call it a day.

D500/200-500 F5.6 1/60 ISO 1800 hand held

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Number 2 is my pick. I love the composition of the birds.

Is that a crop? For my thinking, I would like to see a touch more headspace and crop a bit of the reflection. But pay no attention to me, I always see things differently and there are better judges in this forum than me. :)
Number 2 is my pick. I love the composition of the birds.

Is that a crop? For my thinking, I would like to see a touch more headspace and crop a bit of the reflection. But pay no attention to me, I always see things differently and there are better judges in this forum than me. :)
Thanks, yes a crop but to make it a portrait image so no room top & bottom. I have a few images with more head room but the reflections are clipped. Given the light I was dealing with a was just happy to get a few shots away! Hindsight I wish I had have taken a few portrait shots with the intention to capture only two birds. The top image I have as a reflection shot also.
Getting the model, and the moving reflection in, is a pain, and I have many images where one or the other is amputated! Par for the course. You can always add, should you want. I love your pellies, they can be very accommodating models!
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