Autofocus Fine Tune and Z series

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Anjin San

Well-known member
Supporting Member
So…I'm currently using a D7500 and have done the AF fine tune thing with my Tamron 150-600 G2. Looking at possibilities of adding a Z series to my package…and as I understand it since the focus is on the sensor there's no need for AF fine tune…or do I misunderstand exactly how it works? Second but related question…since I'll likely be keeping my D7500 for action wildlife shots until the Z series gets better at action…will having AF fine tune settings put into the G2 for the D7500 affect how it focuses on a Z series…or should I go back to setting the lens to 0 for all focal lengths and distances and use just a single 'best guess average' number in the D7500.

As I understand how focus works on the Z series…it seems like having the AF tuning numbers in the lens would still provide accurate focus on a Z while maintaining the "more than a single setting" option you get with the G2 and the Tamron console.

Actually…the possibility of adding the Z in the short term is more of a wish/want/new stuff thing and not an actual possibility…but I'm just trying to gather factoids and thoughts about the Z series to have more background data to factor into a future decision.
It's theoretically possible you could use some AFFT with the Z cameras, but not likely. It should only come into play if there's a variance in the lens or mount. However, I'm not sure how the Tamron works with their lenses if you're using their focus adjacent system. If you only have AFFT values in the D7500, then they won't follow the lens to the Z series. However, if they are programmed into the lens, I'm not sure - might need to ask Tamron on that one.

Also, I'd hold off on the Z cameras for a moment if you can. I doubt you'll see any significant improvements in performance with the current series. I think we're into more of a hardware limitation than a software issue. I have a feeling the rumored "s" versions will be what you (and I) want.
It's theoretically possible you could use some AFFT with the Z cameras, but not likely. It should only come into play if there's a variance in the lens or mount. However, I'm not sure how the Tamron works with their lenses if you're using their focus adjacent system. If you only have AFFT values in the D7500, then they won't follow the lens to the Z series. However, if they are programmed into the lens, I'm not sure - might need to ask Tamron on that one.

Also, I'd hold off on the Z cameras for a moment if you can. I doubt you'll see any significant improvements in performance with the current series. I think we're into more of a hardware limitation than a software issue. I have a feeling the rumored "s" versions will be what you (and I) want.

Yeah…I have the numbers put into the Tamron with their console so you can do multiple focal lengths and distances instead of the single number you can put into the D7500. Still though…and I'm just guessing but I are (well, used to be anyway) an engineer…if the Z bodies are focusing the lens based on phase detection on the sensor plane then whatever is put into the lens should just get ignored as the AF will peak the phase.

I'm going to wait…that was clear already to me…like almost everything you really want v2.0 and not v1.0…that way the bugs with AF and action tracking can get worked out. I have to admit the lighter bodies and Z lenses are attractive to this old body who has to carry them through the woods/swamps or cities while traveling…however I would have to continue to use my current Tamron on the adapter as (a) there aren't any long enough Z lenses yet and (b) I'm too cheap to just go and buy expensive glass anyway as it really would have a minimal effect for my image use (travel blog mostly, nothing commercial at all and no print).