Autumn Scene

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Not much corn left standing around here but I ran across this little strip beside a country road, with a nicely colored hillside behind it.

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Errr…. Gauguin or van Gogh? I’m not sure if I love it or hate it but you certainly got my attention. Wow??

Squawk, this was one of those shots that can probably never be repeated. It had been raining a lot and I was riding country roads mainly looking for swollen creeks and overabundant water falls. There is a small creek that follows this road and has a couple of decent falls on it. I was also looking for fall color in conjunction with the creeks and was using a CPL due to wet leaves and to help bring out their colors. The rain had stopped, it was clearing, and I ran across the strip of corn and the scene grabbed me. I snapped a few different angles and went on my way. When I started making adjustments in lightroom, it just kept bringing colors out. I think the main adjustments were contrast, shadows and white balance temp, also saturation and luminance of yellow and orange. I finished it in photoshop using possible auto tone or auto color (I do not remember), some exposure adjustment along with offset and gamma adjustment and some shadows/highlights slider adjustments. Not sure if you were asking for that dissertation or not, but it is 'how I got the shot'.

Squawk, this was one of those shots that can probably never be repeated. It had been raining a lot and I was riding country roads mainly looking for swollen creeks and overabundant water falls. There is a small creek that follows this road and has a couple of decent falls on it. I was also looking for fall color in conjunction with the creeks and was using a CPL due to wet leaves and to help bring out their colors. The rain had stopped, it was clearing, and I ran across the strip of corn and the scene grabbed me. I snapped a few different angles and went on my way. When I started making adjustments in lightroom, it just kept bringing colors out. I think the main adjustments were contrast, shadows and white balance temp, also saturation and luminance of yellow and orange. I finished it in photoshop using possible auto tone or auto color (I do not remember), some exposure adjustment along with offset and gamma adjustment and some shadows/highlights slider adjustments. Not sure if you were asking for that dissertation or not, but it is 'how I got the shot'.

I want to know every shot and I really appreciate it when people add the settings, and particularly when it's not obvious what trick they used. I'm here to learn. Thanks.
I want to know every shot and I really appreciate it when people add the settings, and particularly when it's not obvious what trick they used. I'm here to learn. Thanks.
As for the settings on the actual shot, I used a Nikon D850 with Nikkor 24-70 2.8 @ 34 mm, ISO was 160, f/7.1 @ 1/125 sec.