B&W portrait series - Feel free to add your own versions and styles.

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Well-known member
D500, 400 2.8 + 1.4TC at 1/1000, f4.5 iso400. Part of a series of B&W portraits I've been working on.
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Beautiful shot of the cat and the processing makes it even more interesting.
This shot posted elsewhere on this site. Reposted here because I like it.

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Beautiful shot o the cat and the processing makes it even more interesting.
This shot posted elsewhere on this site. Reposted here because I like it.

View attachment 7618
Great shot, I did notice it earlier. I've done a baboon in my series as well and another with less contrast but still high separation. Great fur for this type of photo.
Great shot, I did notice it earlier. I've done a baboon in my series as well and another with less contrast but still high separation. Great fur for this type of photo.
Both shots really well done and suited for this treatment. I have done a few shots in more of this "pencil drawing" style - wildlife and urban sttings. I like it, but responses are often mixed. Keep going!
This was taken at the Bronx Zoo, if captive critters aren't allowed, you can remove.
A portrait is all that’s asked for and yours is special. I can do the technicalities of the power of sight lines, but it’s clear here, and you’ve caught a beautiful moment. Love at the zoo.
Peter ~ nice work - I am not B&W but I do like the nearly pencil/pen affect in the fur. That baboon with the truncated hand you mentioned - very nice expression on its face and I do not mind the crop position.
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