Back to the Garden….with Z8 & Plena..🧐

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Larry S.

Well-known member
Supporting Member
Yesterday I used yesterday’s gear in our garden; D850 w/200mm f/4D ED AF micro. Today I took the Z8 w/135 Plena for a trial run with the flower critters. All images are JPEGs straight out of the camera with no editing other than cropping…. I shot all of these at f/1.8 to get an idea of “depth of field” and bokeh at tight distances.
1. Long Tailed Skipper
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2. Red Banded Gray Streak (size of U.S.Penny)
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3. Nasty wasp #1
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4. Nasty wasp #2
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5. Two bugs doing the wild-thing..🙄
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Thanks Dave & Lance for taking a look-see…. I did some minor editing on one of the bugs just to see what was possible with the Plena and JPEGs. Might be useful as an occasional macro…🧐
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