Backing -Up Memory Card without a Computer

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I'm going to Africa and would like a way to backup my cards to an external hard drive without a computer. I saw this video and it looks like it should work. Rather than bring a card reader do you this I could do the transfer by connecting my Z9 directly to the Anker device?
I take my iPad Pro and connect directly with the usb-c cable. I then plug an external ssd into the iPad and then copy to that. Takes but a few minutes and it gives me two copies….one set on the iPad and another on the ssd. In fact its the same ssd as that Sandisc in the image you shared.

edit: I have that Anker hub. Really not needed. i Haven’t used it for two years.
I take my iPad Pro and connect directly with the usb-c cable. I then plug an external ssd into the iPad and then copy to that. Takes but a few minutes and it gives me two copies….one set on the iPad and another on the ssd. In fact it's the same ssd as that Sandisc in the image you shared.

edit: I have that Anker hub. Really not needed. i Haven’t used it for two years.
How much memory do you have on your iPad. I am guessing most people don't have enough for a safari shoot of RAW images?
I would find it hard to travel without a computer. I have an 11 inch MacBook Air which is super small and light and had used to to transfer from my cards to an external hard drive (a LaCie 5TB Rugged drive). It was quite slow on my last trip so bought a new MacBook Air (13 inch, the smallest they now make). It was quite slow during my last trip backing up so looked further and realized that the problem is probably the LaCie external hard drive I was using! So now will be buying a Samsung 4TB Portable SSD to backup my 3 TB of cards since the Samsung has 8 times the transfer speed of the Rugged external hard drive. Will have to try my old 11inch Mac Book Air, it might be much faster with the Samsung SSD.
I would find it hard to travel without a computer. I have an 11 inch MacBook Air which is super small and light and had used to to transfer from my cards to an external hard drive (a LaCie 5TB Rugged drive). It was quite slow on my last trip so bought a new MacBook Air (13 inch, the smallest they now make). It was quite slow during my last trip backing up so looked further and realized that the problem is probably the LaCie external hard drive I was using! So now will be buying a Samsung 4TB Portable SSD to backup my 3 TB of cards since the Samsung has 8 times the transfer speed of the Rugged external hard drive. Will have to try my old 11inch Mac Book Air, it might be much faster with the Samsung SSD.
Mine was really slow and I thought it was the computer, but it turned out to be the external drive. Bought a 2T SSD and it's lightening quick, glad I did not buy a new laptop as I was thinking the same thing that you did.
I'm going to Africa and would like a way to backup my cards to an external hard drive without a computer. I saw this video and it looks like it should work. Rather than bring a card reader do you this I could do the transfer by connecting my Z9 directly to the Anker device?
that won’t work…because neither the body or the storage device has the software to do it. You can either copy to an iPad and then copy from there to a drive and delete from the iPad…or you can get a powered hub to plug into the iPad and then a card reader (or perhaps you can hook up the body directly, but I haven’t tried that)…and a storage device to the hub and copy from the body/card reader to the storage device without any storage on the iPad used. Alternatively…just get a bunch of cards. If I was going on a 20K+ trip to Africa…I could copy them from cards to laptop and thence to a pair of SSDs…and would also have enough cards that erasing them wasn’t needed for the duration. I may be paranoid…but that doesn’t mean they’re not out to get me. Others here have done this card to iPad to drive routine and it works…but me…I want to use LR and do some sorting on the trip time permitting so when we travel we carry 2 iPhones, 2 iPads, and my laptop between my bride and I. One can also leave the copy on the iPad for another backup…assuming you have enough memory available on the iPad…but with a high MP body and a bucket list trip that could become an issue.
I would find it hard to travel without a computer. I have an 11 inch MacBook Air which is super small and light and had used to to transfer from my cards to an external hard drive (a LaCie 5TB Rugged drive). It was quite slow on my last trip so bought a new MacBook Air (13 inch, the smallest they now make). It was quite slow during my last trip backing up so looked further and realized that the problem is probably the LaCie external hard drive I was using! So now will be buying a Samsung 4TB Portable SSD to backup my 3 TB of cards since the Samsung has 8 times the transfer speed of the Rugged external hard drive. Will have to try my old 11inch Mac Book Air, it might be much faster with the Samsung SSD.
Get the asamsung T7 or T7 Shield…the SanDisk ones have been having a lot of reportedmdata loss issues later as discussed on some macOS related forums. I’ve got one on my Mac Studio and it’s given me no issues…but have numerous more of the Samsung models.
Get the asamsung T7 or T7 Shield…the SanDisk ones have been having a lot of reportedmdata loss issues later as discussed on some macOS related forums. I’ve got one on my Mac Studio and it’s given me no issues…but have numerous more of the Samsung models.
yep have seen the reports on the SanDisk ones so won't be getting that. Yes was thinking of the Samsung T7 shield. You have that and it works well on a Mac?
Mine was really slow and I thought it was the computer, but it turned out to be the external drive. Bought a 2T SSD and it's lightening quick, glad I did not buy a new laptop as I was thinking the same thing that you did.
Yep, dumb of me though like my Mac Book Air and much better for working on my photos and video while traveling. So will keep using the new MacBook Air and just add the SSD.
yep have seen the reports on the SanDisk ones so won't be getting that. Yes was thinking of the Samsung T7 shield. You have that and it works well on a Mac?
I’ve got 2 T7s and 2 T7 shields…and the Shields read and write significantly faster…so they have a better chipset I guess the T7s are an older design…but I was surprised the Shields are faster. I didn’t even load the Samsung software…I never do that…just opened Disk Utand reformatted them as APFS from my M1 MBP…they work just fine. When we traveled I put 1 of them in my pocket, another in computer bag carryon, another in backpack and the last in wife’s carryon…and also had copies of all the images on the laptop.
that won’t work…because neither the body or the storage device has the software to do it. You can either copy to an iPad and then copy from there to a drive and delete from the iPad…or you can get a powered hub to plug into the iPad and then a card reader (or perhaps you can hook up the body directly, but I haven’t tried that)…and a storage device to the hub and copy from the body/card reader to the storage device without any storage on the iPad used. Alternatively…just get a bunch of cards. If I was going on a 20K+ trip to Africa…I could copy them from cards to laptop and thence to a pair of SSDs…and would also have enough cards that erasing them wasn’t needed for the duration. I may be paranoid…but that doesn’t mean they’re not out to get me. Others here have done this card to iPad to drive routine and it works…but me…I want to use LR and do some sorting on the trip time permitting so when we travel we carry 2 iPhones, 2 iPads, and my laptop between my bride and I. One can also leave the copy on the iPad for another backup…assuming you have enough memory available on the iPad…but with a high MP body and a bucket list trip that could become an issue.
I have enough cards I just wanted to back them up in case of????
I ordered the hub through Amazon and will receive it tomorrow. I'll give it a try and if it doesn't work out, I'll return it.
I would find it hard to travel without a computer. I have an 11 inch MacBook Air which is super small and light and had used to to transfer from my cards to an external hard drive (a LaCie 5TB Rugged drive). It was quite slow on my last trip so bought a new MacBook Air (13 inch, the smallest they now make). It was quite slow during my last trip backing up so looked further and realized that the problem is probably the LaCie external hard drive I was using! So now will be buying a Samsung 4TB Portable SSD to backup my 3 TB of cards since the Samsung has 8 times the transfer speed of the Rugged external hard drive. Will have to try my old 11inch Mac Book Air, it might be much faster with the Samsung SSD.
I have an old Microsoft Surface computer that I could take but the weight restrictions are tough, 15 Lbs. carry on (which is my 25 Lb. camera bag :) ) and 33Lbs. checked. This trip is almost a month long so packing is a challenge.
I have an old Microsoft Surface computer that I could take but the weight restrictions are tough, 15 Lbs. carry on (which is my 25 Lb. camera bag :) ) and 33Lbs. checked. This trip is almost a month long so packing is a challenge.
In that case…the iPad and doing the double copy to iPad direct and then plug the SSD into it is probably the lightest option…or just get a bunch of cards…which I would do for an Africa trip anyway…for a trip costing 20K or more with flight and all…another 1500 for more cards is what we used to call decimal dust in the budgeting business. The hub should work fine…but will most likely need to be a powered hub. An unpowered one might or might not work depending on a bunch of factors I won’t bore you with…if it does then the copy to iPad and then cy to SSD and delete the copies on the iPad works as well…just slower. All you need is 2 pairs of skivvies anyway…one on and the other one hanging up to dry. That’s the hardest part about Africa…meeting the weight limits while still having what you need.
Short answer, "no."
I vaguely remember seeing some posts someplace…maybe not even here…about a drive with a card slot that will copy from the card to the drive…but probably not from the camera IIRC. Not something I’m interested in so I paid scant attention to it though.
I vaguely remember seeing some posts someplace…maybe not even here…about a drive with a card slot that will copy from the card to the drive…but probably not from the camera IIRC. Not something I’m interested in so I paid scant attention to it though.

Probably thinking the WD Passport with SD reader. Junk.