Bald Eagle short clips

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This is a compilation of around 10 very short clips that had interesting views. 3 minutes or so. I shot a bunch of video of Bald Eagles at L&D 21 on the Mississippi River in NE Missouri10 days ago. These are from clips that did not make the cut to be in their own video for numerous reasons, but after I complied them I think they are maybe better than the continuous ones. You may have other thoughts. Canon R5 RF 100-500 w/1.4x. 120 fps on a 30 fps timeline.

This is a compilation of around 10 very short clips that had interesting views. 3 minutes or so. I shot a bunch of video of Bald Eagles at L&D 21 on the Mississippi River in NE Missouri10 days ago. These are from clips that did not make the cut to be in their own video for numerous reasons, but after I complied them I think they are maybe better than the continuous ones. You may have other thoughts. Canon R5 RF 100-500 w/1.4x. 120 fps on a 30 fps timeline.
Nice video with great tracking, Dave.
I'm a newbie at video and I have a question.
Did you shoot at 120fps in the R5 and 30fps timeline in post? Or 30 in camera and slowed down in post? Beautiful video.
Thank you
Hi Bob.
In my R5 when you shoot at 120 fps it tells it to go on a 30 fps timeline. In post you can speed up or slow down from there as you need. I have done both at times. I really like the looks of flying birds at 120 fps. If you have ant more questions feel free to ask. Do you shoot an R5? I'm hoping this forum(video forum) spurs discussion from the newbies and those who have done a lot. We have a couple folks who do it professionally that post and answer. If you are not comfortable asking publicly, Private message is fine also.
Thank you for the fast reply. I have the R5 and the RF 100-500 lens.
I downloaded the free version of Davinci and I'm starting to understand it a bit more with each use.
I didn't realize the R5 could do 120 fps.
Thank you
Thank you for the fast reply. I have the R5 and the RF 100-500 lens.
I downloaded the free version of Davinci and I'm starting to understand it a bit more with each use.
I didn't realize the R5 could do 120 fps.
Thank you
There may be a couple setting in the menus for that option to show up. Also, don't know if you have tried the 4k crop mode? It is like putting a 1.6X extender on, but still retains excellent quality and no loss of f stop. If you need a little more reach for wildlife, sometimes that can do the trick.
If you can't get the setting for it to show,let me know and I'll look it up.