Baltimore Oriole

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Rick S

Well-known member
Supporting Member
I got my first Baltimore Oriole shots in a couple of years yesterday, 6/11/24. D850/500Pf, hand held.
2024-06-11 Conowingo Dam_008-Enhanced-NR.jpg
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2024-06-11 Conowingo Dam_010-Enhanced-NR.jpg
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2024-06-11 Conowingo Dam_012-Enhanced-NR.jpg
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I’ve have yet to get a photo of one
I saw quite a few but they get up in the Sycamores behind those big leaves and are very hard to find. I had real heavy overcast too which didn't help. I think I have another one, but didn't get that far in processing them yet.
I saw quite a few but they get up in the Sycamores behind those big leaves and are very hard to find. I had real heavy overcast too which didn't help. I think I have another one, but didn't get that far in processing them yet.
It would be rare for me to see one and of course the camera is not in hand.