Bar-tailed Godwit

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Lance B

Well-known member
Supporting Member
Bar-tailed Godwit photos. Flies from Alaska to Australia for the summer months here - a non-stop flight of over 10,000kms (6200miles) across the Pacific, the longest known non-stop flight of any bird!

The 800 pf proved invaluable as these birds would not let me get too close and they were foraging for food in tha sand in an area where there are people swimming etc. I did manage to get a little closer the longer I was there and they seemed to see I was not such a big threat. However, I was still a good distance from them and these were cropped about 30%. Click on image to see them at full size.

1) Bar-tailed Godwit, female.

Z9 + 800 f6.3 PF, 1/4000s f/6.3 at 800.0mm iso640


2) Bar-tailed Godwit, female.

Z9 + 800 f6.3 PF, 1/2500s f/6.3 at 800.0mm iso450


3) Bar-tailed Godwit, male in breeding plumage - the orange/tan feathers.

Z9 + 800 f6.3 PF, 1/4000s f/6.3 at 800.0mm iso560


4) Bar-tailed Godwit, male in breeding plumage.

Z9 + 800 f6.3 PF, 1/4000s f/6.3 at 800.0mm iso560


5) Silver Gull.

Z9 + 800 f6.3 PF, 1/4000s f/6.3 at 800.0mm iso560

Really excellent images, Lance! 6,200 miles non-stop???? HOW do they do that? How long does it take, I'm assuming with no rest or sleep..... I guess they can land on the water....and fish?
Really excellent images, Lance! 6,200 miles non-stop???? HOW do they do that? How long does it take, I'm assuming with no rest or sleep.....
Thank you very much, Karen. Much appreciated!
I have not read anywhere how long it takes and from what I understand it is a non-stop, no landing flight of 10,000kms!
Nice shots Lance! There was one hanging out at Fort Desoto Park here in Florida for awhile last year (a rarity). I’m still waiting for my 800pf. I definitely could have used it then as I never got any good shots.
Nice shots Lance! There was one hanging out at Fort Desoto Park here in Florida for awhile last year (a rarity). I’m still waiting for my 800pf. I definitely could have used it then as I never got any good shots.
Thank you very much, Roy. Much appreciated!
Interesting that you had one in Florida. Might have flown off course and went to the wrong "address", LOL. Back in 2015, we had a White-rumped Sandpiper land here just south of Sydney, the only one in Australia. It normally flies from Alaska to Sourh America but must have got caught up with the wrong flock and came here instead. Got some photos of the rarest bird in Australia, LOL, as there was only one! What a claim to fame. I hope the poor little guy made it back ok. The last recorded time this occurred was in 1977!
Bar-tailed Godwit photos. Flies from Alaska to Australia for the summer months here - a non-stop flight of over 10,000kms (6200miles) across the Pacific, the longest known non-stop flight of any bird!

The 800 pf proved invaluable as these birds would not let me get too close and they were foraging for food in tha sand in an area where there are people swimming etc. I did manage to get a little closer the longer I was there and they seemed to see I was not such a big threat. However, I was still a good distance from them and these were cropped about 30%. Click on image to see them at full size.

1) Bar-tailed Godwit, female.

Z9 + 800 f6.3 PF, 1/4000s f/6.3 at 800.0mm iso640


2) Bar-tailed Godwit, female.

Z9 + 800 f6.3 PF, 1/2500s f/6.3 at 800.0mm iso450


3) Bar-tailed Godwit, male in breeding plumage - the orange/tan feathers.

Z9 + 800 f6.3 PF, 1/4000s f/6.3 at 800.0mm iso560


4) Bar-tailed Godwit, male in breeding plumage.

Z9 + 800 f6.3 PF, 1/4000s f/6.3 at 800.0mm iso560


5) Silver Gull.

Z9 + 800 f6.3 PF, 1/4000s f/6.3 at 800.0mm iso560

Really nice low angle shot.
