BCG Merchandise?!

If you would like to post, you'll need to register. Note that if you have a BCG store account, you'll need a new, separate account here (we keep the two sites separate for security purposes).

We're back to offering a limited selection via the Donations tab above. Note that at the moment the store is closed (we're out of town), but we'll re-open one we're back.

Right now, inventory is really low anyway. We'e looking for new vendors for the shirts. I like the old ones, but I found some new lightweight shirts I like even better. Just a matter of getting it sorted out. New hats coming too - foldable with 50SPF protection. I don't mind selling the merchandise, I just want it to be stuff I would use.
Are you changing supplier Steve?
The only reason I ask was that shipping to Wales was more & a lot more than the cost of the T-shirt!
Are you changing supplier Steve?
The only reason I ask was that shipping to Wales was more & a lot more than the cost of the T-shirt!
That's more a problem with the cost of postage than the product supplier. :)

Shipping is way more expensive than people imagine it is and we do get a substantial discount by using Etsy. However, there's little I can do beyond that. We're obviously way too small to have multiple warehouses that would help alleviate the shipping costs.