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My first post here. I've been looking for a while to join a wildlife photography forum, and this one feels is the right one. I am just glad to be able to be a part of this community, to be inspired and to learn as much as possible.

I leave you an image of a beautiful kingfisher from a trip to the archipelago of Raja Ampat in West Papua. This is one of the many Kingfishers that can be found in and around New Guinea, and like its name suggests, it likes to live in coastal areas. They were quite common in the island of Waigeo, and we saw them in mangrove forests and beaches, perched on some branch about the sea water fishing.

Beach Kingfisher - Todiramphus saurophagus
Location - Waigeo, West Papua
Sony A1
Sony 200-600 G

Beach Kingfisher1585.jpg
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