Beautiful Hawks!

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Not a bad day at Barr Lake, Colorado. ...At all! A beautiful birding day. We were able to see a gorgeous Rough Legged Hawk (lighter colored bird) and also a female Harrier Hawk. The Harrier Hawk had her pose perfected!

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harrier glare.jpg
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harrier stare.jpg
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Rough Legged soar.jpg
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Rough legged.jpg
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You son of gun. That is a shot that has been impossiable for me to get. Female Harrier, perched on a post and close. I have had one or two chances and always a flurry of traffic or something spooks her before I can shoot. Becoming my Holy Grail shot. Nice job, I gaze at it and plan my next outing with this shot in mind.
You son of gun. That is a shot that has been impossiable for me to get. Female Harrier, perched on a post and close. I have had one or two chances and always a flurry of traffic or something spooks her before I can shoot. Becoming my Holy Grail shot. Nice job, I gaze at it and plan my next outing with this shot in mind.
I saw her fly and then disappeared into the trees about 1/4 mile in front of us. We continued on the trail towards her, very slowly and taking shots as to have them before she took flight. She just stayed put and let me get to about 30 feet directly in front of her at waist high eye level. I knee walked towards and captured these.
Great shots! What's the water level like at Barr Lake now? Any chance to get some seasonal duck shots in addition to the raptors? I haven't been out there in over a year, now.
Great shots! What's the water level like at Barr Lake now? Any chance to get some seasonal duck shots in addition to the raptors? I haven't been out there in over a year, now.
Woody, I am not even sure right now about the water levels... i guess i should be more aware and look down more often instead of up in the trees. While i really did like Barr Lake sometimes the quiet dirt back roads have as much to offer as well.