Beautiful Young English Kestrel

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Improvements I can make anything at all please tell me ! Its school time and I've started the learning process !
I Know that's what the critique section is for but I thought this Image is Presentation standard and the feedback
would be quite small . I also thought that most people visiting the site would probably come to the presentation
and I would like them to see what I consider to be my best work. (if you would rather i didn't do this please let me
know and I will most certainly cooperate. Thank You.
DSC_2585 (2).jpg
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Thanks Kathy G and Mike Bull for your positive reaction, I see What you meant yesterday about feed back being crucial. I'm a little bit nervous about being pulled out of my comfort
zone, I love photographing wildlife and other domestic animals . But street photography / still life don't do it for me. In some situation I feel confident, I think its a case of identifying
the areas I'm unsure of and asking the right questions to improve . (y)
Beautiful image, great setting and great composition!

Not a criticism, but I wonder how that image would look if you took about a third or half stop off the overall exposure or maybe just a touch of highlight recovery? Might help, might hurt, hard to say without trying it but I suspect you'd pick up a bit of detail in the Kestrel and maybe a bit in some of the brighter flowers in front of it.
I haven't put this one in Photoshop yet and before I brought it onto the sight i quickly pulled the brightness up in windows ( That's what I get for being a lazy so and so).
As I've been told many times in my 23 years service in the British Army "Pay Attention To Detail Laddie" I'm going strip it down to basic RAW >Photoshop and see what comes out.
That's Fabulous feed Back fellas Thank You So Much!(y)
Lovely kestrel! I would punch-up the contrast, the flowers a bit more than the plumage, Darken the bill sightly, I would consider cropping off on his left in the centre of the "valley" where the OOF flower is and also slightly off the right where the green leaf is. Also, slightly off the bottom to underside of the second blue "eye". The balance between bottom 1/3 and top 2/3 would then be more in sync. Al subjective!
I agree with the edit suggestions above, but the shot itself is really great, even as-is. I love getting animals in flowers and it happens so rarely for me that I always appreciate a solid pic like this. Nicely done.
Wow, how humbling! being mentored by some of the most skilled and knowledgeable, wildlife photographers on the planet!" Quality".
What I have learned here is to really pay attention to detail in post, adjustments have to be subtle, to do things like the darkening of
the beak and bringing out the darker detail in the feathers. I have ended up with a number of versions and i have
flicked back and forth through them until I am cross eyed, I have a favourite . Overall I have come to the conclusion that at the end of the
day it comes down to personal choice and different people see different things. Maybe now I can be a little more understanding what a difficult
task camera club judges have. A very useful exercise, I have learned bucket loads! Thank you all for your terrific input! :unsure: