Bee in flight with Nikon Z8

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There is not a lot of wildlife for me to photograph in the summer where I live, or maybe I'm just too lazy to get out...either way, I turned to the bees on my yard trees today wanting to take something with my recently returned Z8. I love this camera. I also have the Z9 but I actually like the Z8 better, it just feels right for me. This camera is fast and so am I and I got this tiny little bee in flight moving to a new flower. It is crazy what cameras can do today. I processed it in LrC, then to Topaz Photo AI, then to PS for some work, and back to LrC for a bit of additional work and then to export. This all takes just a few minutes. I started out at 1/1600 and then moved to 1/2500 but next time I'll try a higher shutter speed and see how that affects the wings. I do like the motion in the wings rather than a fixed wing but maybe a little less motion will work better. Fat little guys!

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