Beetle and Bumblebee on Goldenrod

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Andrew Lamberson

Well-known member
Supporting Member
Megacyllene robiniae, commonly known as the locust borer, is a species of longhorn beetle endemic to eastern North America. Adults feed on the pollen of goldenrods of the genus Solidago which is the common goldenrod found in prairies (which is where I took this image) and true to form that is the yellow flower on both images.

Nikon D500 with Nikor 105mm macro with the 1.4x teleconverter. 1/1250, f/8, ISO 640 150mm (105)
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Nikon D500 with the 300 PF. F/8, 1/250 sec, ISO 360
Bumblebee on Goldenrod-0935.jpg
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Megacyllene robiniae, commonly known as the locust borer, is a species of longhorn beetle endemic to eastern North America. Adults feed on the pollen of goldenrods of the genus Solidago which is the common goldenrod found in prairies (which is where I took this image) and true to form that is the yellow flower on both images.

Nikon D500 with Nikor 105mm macro with the 1.4x teleconverter. 1/1250, f/8, ISO 640 150mm (105)View attachment 24511

Nikon D500 with the 300 PF. F/8, 1/250 sec, ISO 360
View attachment 24512
Thank you for sharing on my other thread. I like the look of these...flash used but doesn't look like it. Can you share additional details on how you did this?
I was using the provided diffuser (which works well!).

I was probably using 1/16th power since I was close. I often slightly underexpose (slightly!) and then experiment with the flash setting on something that is not going to fly away!

Or use 1/16th (or less!) just as a "fill flash" with a normal exposure setting.

Mounted to the top of the flash mount on my D500 or using the Jobu Flash Bracket (depending on the lens I am using).

I use my Nikon 300 PF the most for my Macros or my 105 Macro with the 1.4 Teleconverter. I have a really bad back so getting down low is a no go!

By the way, if you happen to be looking for a Gimbal Mount the Jobu Jr Gimbal is super light AND can handle my D500 with the 200-500 with ease! Made in Canada NOT China!! It's an A+ unit!