Best place to purchase used equipment from?

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I've had good experiences with Adorama, B&H, KEH, and MPB in the US. I am lucky to have a great local brick and mortar store, as well. It's nice to actually see what you are buying in advance.
FWIW, I've used: Kenwood Camera, Cameta, MBP and Adorama with good results.

And I suspect this won't be popular, but I've had great luck buying and selling equipment on eBay. Only once have I received a photo item (a lens) that wasn't up to snuff and the buyer took it back when I pointed out the problems but I've bought and sold many high end photo items there with no issues whatsoever. As always, ask questions first, check the photos and other details carefully, always check stuff like shutter count on cameras, serial numbers and is it a genuine USA model for Nikon gear (which can be important for repair reasons down the road) but just about all my most expensive used Nikon gear came from eBay and I have no regrets with any of it. As always, caveat emptor and YMMV...
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I have sourced both new and used equipment from The Camera Exchange in Melbourne Australia, I have found them very reliable and most helpful.
The web site is still a work in progrees after a change in the behind the scenes server:-
Thanks for that. I've been looking to remove a d5600 and d3. Just what I needed. It's worth a shot. Rockhampton is very short on-camera shops.
FWIW, I've used: Kenwood Camera, Cameta, MBP and Adorama with good results.

And I suspect this won't be popular, but I've had great luck buying and selling equipment on eBay. Only once have I received a photo item (a lens) that wasn't up to snuff and the buyer took it back when I pointed out the problems but I've bought and sold many high end photo items there with no issues whatsoever. As always, ask questions first, check the photos and other details carefully, always check stuff like shutter count on cameras, serial numbers and is it a genuine USA model for Nikon gear (which can be important for repair reasons down the road) but just about all my most expensive used Nikon gear came from eBay and I have no regrets with any of it. As always, caveat emptor and YMMV...
I too have purchased most all of my gear thru ebay. That being said some of my more expensive pieces were purchased from brick & mortar stores who were also listing their used gear on ebay. I made the purchase on ebay from them. (Roberts Camera, Sammy's Camera, to name a couple). It is as DRwyoming points out buyer beware but if you do your homework and ask a lot of questions you will prevent most disappointments.
I only sell my gear on fredmiranda as they have a single flat fee for a month or longer listing of one or more pieces of gear. The also enable the seller to post many photos so for examply with a camera you see the top, bottom, front, back, and both sides and can see if it was abused and the sellers provide the shutter count. Buyers can see online what they are buying which is not the case with the dealers selling used cameras and lenses. I dealer has to pay for the camera and then sell it for a profit and that increases the amount paid by the buyer as compared to a private party seller. Ebay does not provide real protection for the buyer or the seller and is best avoided.
I've bought a lot from KEH and never had an issue. You can trust their ratings, their stuff is usually in better condition than the rating would suggest. I've also had good luck with Adorama. I've purchased two D850's, an Induro gimbal head, a 100mm Zeiss Makro Planar and a Nikon 500mm f4G. The service is impeccable, It's all gear they rented via and has been impeccably maintained (everything I've purchased has been in better condition, to my eye, than their rating). They ship free via Fedex ground. Ofer inexpensive 2 year warranties ($44 on the 500mm f4) and at least for me in California don't charge sales tax!!
I have never had an issue buying from KEH. At an open house (a little over a year ago, I think) they had a new camera, and the same model rated at like new, Very Good+, very good. The trick was to try and tell the differnce. After I rated most of them wrong, they explained the rating on each camera. Their system is impresive. I would , and will buy from KEH without worry.