Best place to sell used Camera

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I want to sell my used Nikon Z8. I purchased a new Z8 prior to a trip to Zambia and Botswana as I wanted a backup that I was familiar with. So now I have two Nikon Z 8 cameras. I only need one. Does anyone have any opinions on the best place to sell used cameras? If this has already been addressed in other posts, please direct me to those. Thanks.
BCG Forums is a great place to sell gear. There are a lot of action photographers who know what the camera can do. I'd probably price it around $2800-3000 and share the shutter count. The best price I've seen for a new camera is $3299, so sub-$3000 is priced to move. I have seen prices as low as $2400 for a refurb, so that probably is a bottom end to get it sold.

You can also try Nikonians, Fred Miranda, etc.
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Ebay, I netted about twice what MPB offered me. You can cancel orders from less than 100% buyers. Ebay nicks you for just under 20% for making the sale and providing shipping at reduced cost. You can mark up shipping as well but I don't.
If you live in a big city Craig's List is best. I have sold tens of thousands of dollars worth of gear and never had an issue. CASH ONLY, NO SHIPPING. Scammers will come, but they are easy to spot.
Fred Miranda far and away the best. Here on BCG is good. Craigslist/FB Marketplace can be good depending on where you are. Least hassle and lowest prices with the well known on-line used dealers. One challenge with FM is that it can be difficult to get started and build a rep with feedback. But aggressive pricing can overcome people's caution. And having others on that platform vouch for you.
The answer is…it depends. IMO…advertise first here. After that check BfH, MPB, and perhaps Fred Miranda and take the best offer. I’ve found that MPB pays a little more than the others. eBay, Craigslist…just skip those, too many scams.