Big horn sheep (Ovis canadensis) with the 180-400

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I hand held for these shots and used single frame rate to avoid distraction on trying to concentrate on keeping the AF point on target :)

Nikon D6; 180-400 (+1.4) all @ 400 mm

big horn male portrait sized.jpg
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big horn female skip sized.jpg
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big horn male standing sized.jpg
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I hand held for these shots and used single frame rate to avoid distraction on trying to concentrate on keeping the AF point on target :)

Nikon D6; 180-400 (+1.4) all @ 400 mm

View attachment 6805View attachment 6806View attachment 6807
I hand held for these shots and used single frame rate to avoid distraction on trying to concentrate on keeping the AF point on target :)

Nikon D6; 180-400 (+1.4) all @ 400 mm

View attachment 6805View attachment 6806View attachment 6807