Bighorn series - Alberta Rockies

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This series was shot in the aptly named Sheep River Provincial Park west of Turner Valley AB. Most were in late October just before the start of the rut when the big rams wander down from the high country to get closer to their girlfriends.

Most of the sheep are eartagged - for no particular reason other than making work for grad students - which entailed the frustrating job of cloning them out in PS - before the introduction of the generative remove tool. I may go back and redevelop them using the tool to see if it does a better job.

My personal favourite shot is of the lamb backlit on the edge of the Sheep River gorge, a sheer drop of a couple of hundred feet. I really liked the back light and the blackness of the gorge in the background.
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Excellent set of images. So the big guys pal around together and a few days later are butting heads.
Thanks and yep, that’s exactly right. These boys, except for one stray girl, were hanging out on their side of the dance floor, the valley. The girls were in a herd on the other side. A few days later the dance got started - unfortunately I didn’t get out to shoot it.