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I was very happy to find a few of the large rams in the park. Visiting with on e of the rangers and they said they numbers are at least half or less than two years ago.
AP: 12-4-2021 By Mark Watson, Black Hills Pioneer
The bighorn sheep in Badlands National Park are experiencing a die off caused by the same bacteria that has ravaged the other wild sheep herds in the state as well as countless others throughout the West.
Since August, when the first sheep in the park were found suffering from the disease, approximately 50% of the radio-collared ewes have been found dead – all from mycoplasma ovipneumoiae, a pneumonia-causing bacteria that nearly wiped out the Custer State Park herd and has wreaked havoc on the Rapid City and Deadwood herds.
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Very nice photo. Too bad about the mortality, since the disease is widely distributed in domestic sheep it's probably safe to assume that's how the wild herds became infected -- but its origin will probably never be determined.
Dang, I was supposed to be in Badlands NP today on my way to Yellwstone NP but alas the feds did not make their date to reopen the YNP north entrance after the floods in early Summer. I cancelled my trip because who knows if they will make the next target date, Nov. 1. The grizzlies will be in hibernation for the most part and the roads throughout
Wyoming and Montana can be very treacherous this time of the year. Hoping to reschedule next Spring.
Nice photo of the sheep.

Bummed in Kansas,