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I nabbed this image at a local open space preserve. The Phainopeplas were quite active that day...not only were they feeding on the mistletoe but the bees were a-buzzing.
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Nice find Lisa. He looks like he is going for the snack there. Amazing you got both in focus at 5.6
Right?…Phainopeplas often perch at the upper most part of a tree or shrub for a fair amount of time and then sally-out. I chose 5.6 for the low ISO since she was just sitting there. But alas….I got lucky! Thanks!
Jaw dropping image!! - and interesting shutter speed: Shutter Speed: 15833/39582501
Thank you! So nice of you to say…as for the shutter speed…after running the photo through Topaz DeNoise the meta data comes out with the shutter speed in that format…not sure why…shutter speed was 1/2500.