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Don't get many hawks in the yard....actually this is probably my first...so I would like to know what kind of hawk if you can help me out. I'm guessing, after checking bird books that its a sharp shinned?
Not a good image it's just for purposes of referencing the presence of a hawk in my yard 2024. and in early morning light without checking settings, I got this at 36,000 ISO
Hawk at feeder tree Z6 1900.jpg
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Could be a red tail but FWIW, I use Merlin ID on my phone and just take a picture of the screen. Usually works. I don't know your location otherwise I would do that.
I use the Merlin app app on my phone. Usually to recognize bird songs didn't think of taking a picture of the screen to identify. Thanks for the tip.

Look like an immature, Red-shouldered Hawk. Where was this photo taken?
Hard to tell in the early morning late. Took this in my yard thunder Bay Ontario as I was brushing my teeth.
Beautiful shot. I agree with the juvie Red Shouldered. The checkerboard chest, where as a Red Tail would have a nearly white chest.
Don't get many hawks in the yard....actually this is probably my first...so I would like to know what kind of hawk if you can help me out. I'm guessing, after checking bird books that its a sharp shinned?
Not a good image it's just for purposes of referencing the presence of a hawk in my yard 2024. and in early morning light without checking settings, I got this at 36,000 ISO
View attachment 96025
I think it is an immature Cooper’s hawk.
Thanks everyone for your feedback. The resident raptor rescue expert in Thunder Bay, has identified it as a juvenile sharp shinned hawk.. I'm betting on her. She knows her raptors up close