Birds in flight

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Well-known member
I was trying to get a swallow with a bug in the frame but I will have to try again next time. These swallows are so erratic. I manually focus and then let the z9 take over right before I shoot and every image is just spot on. The only limitation is my not being able to track when they are very close and make a sudden turn. I was using the 100-400 z and I am still blown away by the sharpness of this zoom lens. I am sure a side-by-side with the 500e, the prime would be sharper, but I honestly do not see any IQ loss. The first image was from a set of red-wing blackbirds fighting over head. Of all the shots, this one of a male with the backlighting and pose I found to be the most interesting. The down-sized version makes it hard to see pop of red on his shoulder quite as well.
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redwingbacklite 3.jpg
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redwingbacklite 2.jpg
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redwingbacklite 1.jpg
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male with the backlighting and pose I found to be the most interesting.