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Trying to figure out macro vs close up using the Z105mm. Maybe the texture on the vegetable is macro?
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A macro photograph is one in which the subject is life size or larger on the sensor. Anything less than that would be a close-up. No part of your image is a macro. It's a close-up. I don't think I'd worry about definitions, however.
It's Macro, It's Close-up, it's both, eating bitter melon is an acquired taste, just like Macro or Close-up. Wouldn't recommend bitter melon.
Bitter melon is "pharmacy on a fence", macro I discovered is not to my taste unless I now purchase a flash and learn how to photostack. I had to buy a macro lens to learn the difference! It is not "magic" and I like the image close up results with my zoom telephoto and the Canon 500D. I am captivated by JHJ's Moon flower image.