Black Cockatoo

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Black Cocky-2.jpg
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Awesome image. Great composition in the portrait format and very nice pose to fill (but not overfill) the frame. The bird's gaze back towards the camera is great and the color on the tail feathers really adds some drama. Even the perch adds visual interest.

Nicely done!
Awesome image. Great composition in the portrait format and very nice pose to fill (but not overfill) the frame. The bird's gaze back towards the camera is great and the color on the tail feathers really adds some drama. Even the perch adds visual interest.

Nicely done!
Many thanks, greatly appreciated.
Grant - I am green! Love your OZ birds and this one is high on my wish list! The yellow-tailed sometimes fly past my son's house but I still have to get near them like this. Love this image.
Try this, if you do not mind. Rotate the image 180 degrees. A tip I picked-up a long time ago from a portrait photographer = often the image is improved if you rotate it 180 deg as your eye pass over the negative space and then latch onto and stays on the subject!
Grant - I am green! Love your OZ birds and this one is high on my wish list! The yellow-tailed sometimes fly past my son's house but I still have to get near them like this. Love this image.
Try this, if you do not mind. Rotate the image 180 degrees. A tip I picked-up a long time ago from a portrait photographer = often the image is improved if you rotate it 180 deg as your eye pass over the negative space and then latch onto and stays on the subject!
Flipping an image is something l reckon l’ve done once or twice mainly because l never think to do and you’re right, it can, and does, make a difference.