Black Leopard walking

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From my archives - Rhino and Lion NR, Kromdraai
03337W D3OO 0441.jpg
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That's one awesome cat, Callie (Cat Girl). Do you have more shots of it, possibly some frontal shots??? I'd love to see those eyes straight on.
That's one awesome cat, Callie (Cat Girl). Do you have more shots of it, possibly some frontal shots??? I'd love to see those eyes straight on.
Thanks Kirk. I actually have more images, but they are not processed yet. As I have mentioned, I have 1000's of images and I really do not know what may be hiding on the HD folders. I cleanly forgot about this leopard, only remembered the cub, and when I went looking for the jaguar cub I stumbled across the black leopards - there were two of them.! I will see if I can work on some before we leave for Oz!.