Black Mamba

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One of our most poisonous snakes. Its name is derived from the colour on the inside of its mouth.
Taken at Rhino and Lion NR, Kromdraai, many years ago.
03358W D3OO 1189.jpg
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A beauty!
Wow, nice photo.
Gives me shivers just seeing it in an image! Excellent image!
Beautiful, Callie! My favorite snake, you captured it beautifully!
Egads! You are a brave person! Beautiful image of a dangerous critter. In this situation the longest lens would be the best lens..😂
Reptiles are under appreciated. I like the subtle colouring of the scales.
Georgeous! And THAT detail!!!
PS -- that catchlight is better than most in studio fashion shoots produce! :)
Great shot. 200mm is way too close to be taking a photo of such a dangerous snake. I would think at least 800mm. :eek:

The reason I never climbed in trees when I was a child. (In the ‘fifties’ climbing trees was what boys did.)
Thank you so much, Folks. Snakes are fascinating, we love them. 😻 Now, spiders are something else totally, they give me the creeps. This place had a building with a lot of snakes behind glass, sort of dimly lit. So I could get close. The problem was shooting through dimly lit , dirty glass at an ever moving subject. From my time of shooting only jpegs.