Black Skimmers

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Last week while trying to get some photos of ospreys I was treated to watching black skimmers fish for about a half hour,
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Awesome shots Ralph! They are a target bird for me to catch skimming.
Thanks Alan. I was on the last mile of the refuge when I spotted one fishing. I got a quick shot or two and then it left. As I was getting back into my car, it came back with several others. I took Steve’s advice: When an opportunity presents itself, keep shooting. So I stayed for at least a half hour or more as they continued to return and fish. When they finally left for good so did I. This was the best opportunity I’ve ever had to shoot them. The sun was in a pretty good position. Of course the best shots of the them coming up with large fish were very soft . I was using a 1.4 tc on the 500 PF. Sometimes that setup gets a little cranky .
Thanks Alan. I was on the last mile of the refuge when I spotted one fishing. I got a quick shot or two and then it left. As I was getting back into my car, it came back with several others. I took Steve’s advice: When an opportunity presents itself, keep shooting. So I stayed for at least a half hour or more as they continued to return and fish. When they finally left for good so did I. This was the best opportunity I’ve ever had to shoot them. The sun was in a pretty good position. Of course the best shots of the them coming up with large fish were very soft . I was using a 1.4 tc on the 500 PF. Sometimes that setup gets a little cranky .
I need to try my 1.4tciii again with the 500mm. I tried during low light near sunset on flying shorebirds and had to take it off. But you have inspired me to try again!
Nice sequence. Although we see them frequently where I live in Sarasota, Fl, I have never been able to capture one with a prey in its beak. So kudos to you !
Thanks and the prey in their beak was an extra bonus. Pure luck. Unfortunately, I have a few shots with fairly decent size fish in their beak but the photos were extremely soft.