Black Vulture

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Got a pretty close photo of this big guy near my home today. The bird made a few figure 8's and I was happily holding the shutter down hoping for some sharp results.

There are several frames that have this level of sharpness. I was shooting with the "wide-s" AF setting and got the smallest AF lock on the birds head within the main box as the bird went by. I don't really know if I could have done anything else to improve what I got. And based on my level of experience, I think I should be happy with my results. Was using the only lens I currently have, the Z-70-200-S, with a 1.4 teleconverter, in DX crop mode.

I want to improve my photography and in this series, I was using 1/3200 shutter priority to try and better freeze the action. I used LRC to basically automatically adjust the photo and to make it conform to the size guidelines for this website.

The bird would have pointing in the general direction of the bright sun at the time of this shot.

Is this photo worthy or generating any sort of critique/ criticism that will help me improve sharpness of bird in flight photo's in general with my current equipment? My mindset until I get a longer lens is to concentrate on larger birds and/or get closer to them.

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