Blanchard's Cricket Frog and Green Tree Frog

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My wife and I went to "Snake Road" in the Shawnee National Forest over the weekend. This is a section of road the forest service closes in spring and autumn to allow for snakes and other creatures to migrate from their summer homes in the cypress swamps on the Northwest side of the road to limestone bluffs on the Southeast side of the road. They spend the winter (literally) holed up among the cracks, crevices and small "caves" in the cliffs.

I will post snakes later if folks are interested. I know a lot of people don't like snakes or photos of snakes. I will share these 2 tiny frogs that were also present. The tree frogs were heading toward the cliffs. The cricket frogs were most likely looking for a nice soft spot to dig in for the coming winter.

Green Tree Frog: about the size of my thumb which is fairly large for our tree frogs.
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Blanchard's Cricket Frog - about the size of my thumbnail. That is a maple leaf it is using for a perch. In spring when calling for mates, they make a sound much like a cricket. They have a huge voice for such a tiny creature.
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