Blank Display Screen after taking photo

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After applying Steve's latest set up guide for the Z9 I have a blank display screen after taking photo...any ideas on what I messed up?
That's most likely because Picture Review in the Playback menu has been switched OFF.

I always disable automatic picture review after a shot is captured to save battery life but if you want to see each shot as it's captured you can go into the Playback menu and turn Picture Review back on or you can set it to On(monitor only) if you only want automated picture review when shooting via the rear panel monitor instead of shooting through the viewfinder.

Personally I prefer not to see each and every shot as it's captured, not only to extend battery life but when shooting wildlife I prefer to keep my attention on my subjects and not get into the habit of reviewing each shot. Sure I might hit the playback button to check an occasional shot for exposure or sharpness or the like but I don't want to nor need to see each shot after it's been captured and it can distract from what's right in front of me and where I'd like to keep my attention while out in the field. But if you want to review each shot as it's captured it's easy enough to turn that feature back on.